No. 115: Antitrust Mega Fines in Digital Markets and Their Impact on Compliance: An Overview of EU and US Approaches

Umberto Nizza & Cristina Poncibò, Antitrust Mega Fines in Digital Markets and Their Impact on Compliance: An Overview of EU and US Approaches, TTLF Working Papers No. 115, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum (2024).



No. 115: Antitrust Mega Fines in Digital Markets and Their Impact on Compliance: An Overview of EU and US Approaches


The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence

Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics

Edited by Larry A. DiMatteo, Cristina Poncibò and Michael Cannarsa



The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence


Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Martin Ebers (Anthology Editor), Cristina Poncibò (Anthology Editor), Mimi Zou (Anthology Editor)



Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


Blockchain in Comparative Law

C. Poncibò, ‘Blockchain in Comparative Law’, in Cappiello (ed), ‘Blockchain, Law and Governance’ Springer International Publishing, 2020, 137-155

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Blockchain in Comparative Law


School of Thoughts in European Private Law

C. Poncibò, O. Borgogno
in M. Durovic, T. Tridimas (eds), ‘New Directions in European Private Law, Hart, 2020

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School of Thoughts in European Private Law


Il Diritto Comparato e la Blockchain

Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane – Università degli Studi di Torino
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Il Diritto Comparato e la Blockchain


Contractual and Non-Contractual Remedies

L. Di Matteo, C. Poncibò
in Di Matteo, L., Cannarsa, M., & Poncibò C. (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms, Cambridge University Press, 2019

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Contractual and Non-Contractual Remedies


Quandary of Smart Contracts and Remedies: The Role of Contract Law and Self-Help Remedies

C. Poncibò, L. Di Matteo
(2019) 26:8 ERPL 805-824

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Quandary of Smart Contracts and Remedies: The Role of Contract Law and Self-Help Remedies


The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms

Edited by Larry A. DiMatteo, University of Florida, Michel Cannarsa, Université Catholique de Lyon, Cristina Poncibò, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Cambridge University Press


The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms


The Autonomous Interpretation Standard of International Uniform Private Law: A Dialogue on Methods of Interpretation from the Perspectives of Comparative Private Law and International Public Law

C. Poncibò, L. Mola
29(6) (2018) EBLR, 851-883.

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The Autonomous Interpretation Standard of International Uniform Private Law: A Dialogue on Methods of Interpretation from the Perspectives of Comparative Private Law and International Public Law


In Search of an Effective Enforcement of Consumer Rights: The Italian Case

C. Poncibò, G. Pailli
in H-W. Micklitz and G. Saumier (editors), Enforcement and Effectiveness of Consumer, Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer International Publishing, 2017, 349-370

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In Search of an Effective Enforcement of Consumer Rights: The Italian Case


Forum shopping and consumer collective redress in action: the Costa Concordia Case

C. Poncibò
in E. Lein, D. Fairgrieve, M. Otero Crespo, V. Smith (eds), Collective Redress in Europe. Why and How? British Institute for International and Comparative Law, 2015, 251-272

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Forum shopping and consumer collective redress in action: the Costa Concordia Case


A Modernization for European Consumer Law? ‘Co-regulation, private enforcement and networks in consumer protection

C. Poncibò,
in M Kenny and J. Devenney (eds), European Consumer Protection Conference: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press 2012.

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A Modernization for European Consumer Law? ‘Co-regulation, private enforcement and networks in consumer protection


The reform of the Directive 98/27/EC

C. Poncibò
in ‘New frontiers in consumer protection. The interplay between private and public law enforcement’, F. Cafaggi, H. Micklitz (eds), Intersentia, Antwerp, Belgium, 2009, 283-302

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The reform of the Directive 98/27/EC

Towards a Theory of Imprévision in the EU?

Mitja Kovac and Cristina Poncibò
in European Review of Contract Law. ERCL 2018; 14(4): 344–373

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Towards a Theory of Imprévision in the EU?