Personal website
Cristina Poncibò
Le scienze della carne coltivata - Un approccio multidisciplinare per la carned el futuro
26 settembre 2024 - ore 14 - 18
Centro Interdipartimentale di Biotecnologie Molecolari "Guido Tarone"
Via Nizza, 52, 10126 Torino3
Le scienze della carne coltivata - Un approccio multidisciplinare per la carned el futuro
Energy, Economic Development and Regulatory Sandboxes – Potential, Possibilities and Challenges
George Mason University
Center for Energy SCIENCE & POLICY
Energy, Economic Development and Regulatory Sandboxes – Potential, Possibilities and Challenges
Legal Tech Venture Day Turin
University of Turin, Italy 19 May 2023
2022-12-01Legal Tech Venture Day Turin
International Workshop Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion and Competition Policy: Legal and Economic Approaches
Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin, Italy 1-2 December 2022
2022-12-01International Workshop Financial Technology, Financial Inclusion and Competition Policy: Legal and Economic Approaches
Oxford Book Launch: Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Short presentations regarding the book will be made by the editors: Professor Martin Ebers (RAILS), Professor Cristina Poncibo (Turin) and Professor Mimi Zou (Exeter).
Special guest of honour is Professor Richard Susskind (Technology Adviser to the Lord Chief Justice of England).
2022-10-14Oxford Book Launch: Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Purchase Power – Sustainable Public Procurement Through Private Law Enforcement (PurpLE)
This project focuses on researching the tension between public procurement and private law.
Public procurement refers to the process where the state buys goods, work and services from private suppliers. Considering its omnipresence and enormous size (approx. 12% of global GDP), the state’s purchasing activities can create new market behaviors and shift the existing ones towards sustainable consumption and production. Thus, sustainability has been implemented into public procurement concepts, regulation and practice. However, paying attention only to the public procurement law in connection with this phenomenon is not enough. To be precise, private law, particularly contract law, arbitration also plays a key role as contracts are implementation tools for the performance of public procurement goals. Thus, by taking a more holistic approach (sustainability, private and public law), PurpLe will deepen the understanding of interconnections between the above-mentioned to PurpLE's aim will be achieved by investigating three highly complementary research questions: 1) How does public procurement law impact the interpretation of contract law? 2) Can private law limit the outcome of public procurement law and, if so, how? 3) What does this complex interaction between public procurement and private law mean for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agenda?
2022Purchase Power – Sustainable Public Procurement Through Private Law Enforcement (PurpLE)
European Sales Law in the 21st Century
June 17th and 18th, 2022
University of Zurich Main Building Rämistrasse 71 8006 Zürich
2022-06-17European Sales Law in the 21st Century
BLOCKCHAIN between law and regulation WHERE DO WE STAND?
Thursday, May 12th, 2022
Roma Tre Law Department, Aula 4 - Edificio Tommaseo (ist floor), Via Ostiense, 139
2022-05-12BLOCKCHAIN between law and regulation WHERE DO WE STAND?
European insurance contract law in the age of digitalization
Organisers: Piotr Tereszkiewicz & Cristina Poncibò
Kraków and Remotely (hybrid mode)
5-6 May 2022
Download poster (PDF) 2022-05European insurance contract law in the age of digitalization
The 3rd Crypto Asset Lab Conference
Conference details and program
2021-11The 3rd Crypto Asset Lab Conference
Responsible Litigation Funding in Europe
The event will focus on the study entitled “Responsible private funding of litigation” authored by Jérôme Saulnier with Ivona Koronthalyova and Klaus Müller, European Added Value Unit, Directorate-General for European Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS), and the research paper annexed to it entitled “State of play of the EU private litigation funding landscape and the current EU rules applicable to private litigation funding”, co-written by Professors Cristina Poncibò and Elena D'Alessandro, University of Turin, Law Department, with cooperation, inter alia, by Dr. Niccolò Landi.